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19.08.2011 в 01:48
Пишет  heartless;:

Неожиданно нашелся хороший аналог давно любимого мной клипа по этой же песне, только на этот раз текст много ближе к содержанию клипа (наоборот, как бы, но лень перенабирать). Видеоряд красивый (вообще давно пора Судзумию пересмотреть, мало что оттуда помню, честно говоря).

Комментарий автора: «Hey, this is my first post to AMVNews; I’ve seen many amazing editors within this website so I hoped that I could be reviewed by them.

One thing that I wanted to portray through this video was the idea of Cynicism playing a huge role within somebody’s life; it often causes them to look negatively upon everything and can become a big hindrance to not only themselves but to those around them. Kyon, within this video, let his cynicism deflate his esteem – he began to doubt himself and those around him – while life seemed so confusing and out of touch for him, it was well for everyone else. Through to the end of the video I wanted to fully express the concept that traits such as this can ruin relationships with other people, the gun and death being metaphors of the death of a relationship/friendship. Naturally a somewhat ‘grungy’ feel worked well this idea and I’m also glad this song was created too as it compliments exactly what I was trying to show.

I really loved making this AMV so I hope that shines through; though it may not be the longest of AMV’s I feel that it’s length is just enough to deliver the meaning while not drawing it out too much.»

Аниме: Suzumiya Haruhi no Shōshitsu
Музыка: Halou - Honeythief


URL записи

@темы: цепляет, music & songs, amv/video